Minas Avetisyan

Minas Avetisyan, Minas , Making the breads, 24x16.5 inches,
watercolor on paper.
24x16.5 inches, watercolor on paper.
Making the breads, 24x16.5 inches, watercolor on paper
Making the breads, 24x16.5 inches, watercolor on paper
24x16.5 inches, watercolor on paper
Minas Avedis
Minas Avedis
Minas Avetisyan, Minas , Making the breads, 24x16.5 inches,

To purchase or for further information please contact the gallery at
info@box5525.temp.domains or at 1 (818) 790-4905

Minas Avetisyan

He was born in Jajour village, Armenia.

1947-1952 studied at the Art Collage, named after P. Terlemezian, Yerevan.
1952-1954 Studied at Institute of Fine Arts art Drama.

The main theme of his works was Armenian nature, fields, people, mountains.

Avetisian’s method differs from the method of plain-air painting which was once widespread in Armenian art. For him working form nature is no more than a preliminary stage. The main portion of the work on the canvas was done in his studio.
-A great number of the artist’s works were lost during the fire in the studio in 1972.
The works are keep in “Home-Museum” of Minas Avetisyan (Yerevan), National Gallery of Armenian, State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow, Museum of Oriental Art Moscow, many private collection in Armenian, Russia and other countries.
